Ghost arrives in one of the cities Makarov targeted with Tank Dempsey , noting that it looked like the end of the world. As they search for clues, Tank notes that there was no tactical reason to target the city, but Ghost pulls him into cover as they are ambushed. Ghost kills the ambusher, a clown, and Tank picks up his weapon, noting that it was probably supplied from somewhere.
The duo then finds an abandoned Gulag that was used as a hideout for Krueger and Mace. As Tank engages Krueger, Ghost engages Mace. Ghost throws a grenade, disarming Mace, which lead them fighting in the Showers hand to hand.
As they were fighting, Tank arrives after failing to take down Krueger and fires at Mace, causing him to retreat. The two then descend down a staircase and encounter Reznov , who is in his early hundreds. He tells them that he was on a covert mission to a secret facility belonging to the Germans.
He and his team rush forward an assault on the base. Despite the overwhelming gunfire, Reznov manages to survive the slaughter and enters the facility, encountering the gas Nova 6.
After executing all of the scientists in the facility, he retrieved the gas for the Russians, and they hid them in bunkers. Reznov then reveals that he is one of the few people who knows where the bunkers are. After Ghost extracts the information from Reznov, he calls Mara to locate Makarov and stop him. Disappointed with the recent mission failure, Ghost contemplates of how they gathered next to no intel about their enemies. Mace in disguise attacks a building with his team of mercenaries then goes to Alcatraz to meet with an underground criminal magnate named Hidora Kai.
Mace and Hidora start to plan out their next moves, disabling all electronic devices in the world, including military radio towers, communication centers, Mara and Soap's convoy and even the plane Ghost and Tank were flying in, using the EMP launched earlier.
Ghost and Tank manage to survive and meet the other operators at The Club. Ghost admits that the group has no way to fight Hidora and Mace, along with no way to locate them. Russell Adler appears and says that they do have ways to combat the new threat.
After Ghost asks who he is, Price introduces Adler, and officially states the group is now a part of the United Anti-Terrorism Coalition , ending the introduction with "Ladies and gentlemen, we're going dark. Adler and the rest of the team start to plan out their assault on Five Knights locations. When asked on how they would coordinate or even reach those locations, Adler presents the team with Swiss mechanical watches, which are unaffected by EMPs.
Price also notes that Adler is not the only Cold War relic in operational state in the bunker, indicating an old helicopter. Ghost and Tank strike a production facility in Hackney Yard , as part of their assault on key Five Knight locations.
Meanwhile, Tank comes across Mace , who knocks Tank down and snatches his weapon, and opens fire at him. Ghost comes too late to save him.
Enraged, Ghost then starts beating up Mace, ultimately subduing and arresting him. Later, Price, Ghost and Adler discuss the aftermath of their joint operation; Mace is in a Black Site facing interrogation, Templar and Hidora are in the wind, Soap is injured but will be battle ready within a few weeks.
It is further revealed that Mara made it out alive, but was wounded badly and is in a coma. Ghost admits that they won the battle and takes an oath that he will "Win the War. As Ghost expresses grief for not being able to save Tank and the fact that they don't have enough time and intel, Adler comforts him by saying that they do have intel and mentions that there is a place in Siberia from where Makarov possibly got the Nova Gas from.
He then says that it's coming all around the same way like it did during his days, and narrates his story. Some time during the Cold War , Adler led a small team into a Soviet facility in Siberia along with his friend Stansfield. They had found out crucial information about something that the Five Knights could also have gotten their hands on, and eventually carried out.
However, when tried to exfil, they were surrounded by a large group of enemies , and Stansfield stayed behind to cover their escape, only to be shot dead, which Adler could do nothing but watch in horror.
Back in present day, Adler finishes his story by saying that both Stansfield and Tank knew what they were doing, and so should Ghost. When Ghost questions if the research facility is of any more importance, Adler says that there might be something left in there, although it will be a long shot. Ghost agrees and says that he will take it, to which Adler responds that they will have to wait, and Ghost must not rush for revenge.
Ghost in response says that this is not about revenge, and they must get the intel before the Five Knights do. Adler replies that they cannot risk to lose any more men as the Five Knights already hit other bases hard, and tells Ghost that he must be patient. Ghost takes it for an excuse to do nothing and walks away, much to Adler's dismay. Overridden with guilt, Ghost comes to visit the still comatose Mara and expresses grief for not being able to save them.
He then promises that he will end this for all and places Tank's dog tag on her palms and leaves. When Price cannot find Ghost, he comes to Soap asking for his whereabouts. Adler comes to them saying that he knows where Ghost is, and he is "doing something stupid". When Price asks what Adler has done, he replies that he told Ghost about the operation in Siberia.
Ghost arrives via Snowmobile at the Soviet base Adler told him about and begins to investigate. He realises that someone has been here recently as he finds recently opened canned food and a map which is dated around the present. He is then startled by a voice saying: "The enemy of my enemy The man turns out to me none other than Makarov.
Ghost is shocked to see Makarov still alive, since Mara had confirmed he had been shot in the head. Makarov explains that Mace also saw him die but "appearances are deceiving" and that he needed to fake his death since their goals had diverged. Makarov also states that he knows that Ghost has arrived to seek information on how to defeat The Five Knights and that he has said information.
When questioned about their identity and goals, Makarov says that the Knights consist of 5 individuals with different goals who were useful to each other as he was useful to them, and proceeds to list them off.
Rorke heads the mercenaries, Hidora , who is looking for corporate profits, Mace , only wanting the downfall of the government, Raul Menendez , who wants control of the system by hijacking it, and a fifth member whose identity Makarov says will keep secret, unless Ghost takes him in. Ghost agrees, and as they exit the facility, Templar appears, blowing up Ghost's snowmobile.
Ghost tells Makarov to run and fires at Templar. Unfortunately, the bullets cannot penetrate his armor and he mocks Ghost that he should have "brought bigger bullets", disabling and then breaking Ghost's gun. When Ghost asks who he is, Templar introduces himself, then stabs Ghost in the wrist with one of his throwing knives.
When Ghost tries to retaliate, Templar performs a coup de grace on him, downing him. Templar then inspects Ghost's body, stating that he expected a more equal individual to fight with. He then takes Ghost's balaclava as a souvenir before leaving, saying "That's one less loose end. Some time later, Price and Soap arrive at the Soviet base, remarking on Ghost's rashness, and start searching the area. They soon find a folded paper on the bloodied ground, and as Price opens it, he finds Ghost's dog tag.
It is then revealed that Makarov took Ghost's body, as he is seen dragging it towards a cliff. There, he rendezvous with a team of Ghosts led by Captain Merrick , and hands them over Ghost's body. In a twist of events at a later time, Ghost is revealed to be still alive likely brought back to life by the Ghosts through unknown means.
He is also accompanied by the Ghosts' German Shepherd Riley. Ghost then tells Templar that they have a score to settle--so Templar throws his knife at him, but he manages to swivel it around his wrist and throw it back, hitting Rorke in his forearm. He then tells his fellow Ghosts to secure Rorke and the facility while he deals with Templar.
Ghost then engages Templar in a vicious duel. During the duel, Ghost mentions something about a "Dark Covenant", and that he knows the Frenchman's real name is "Edouard", which infruriates the latter. Soon after, Mace joins the fight as well, double teaming Templar with Ghost. However, he manages to fend them off by throwing knives into Mace's forearms but is thwarted by Ghost before he can do the same to him.
He manages to throw Templar to the ground and attempts to perform the same "coup de grace" on him, but it fails and Templar kicks him away, although Ghost swiftly recovers and proceeds to stab the Frenchman in his leg, but then gets swiped across his face by the latter's wristblades. Mace is struggling to move his arms due to Templar having struck his nerve clusters, meaning Ghost is on his own against Templar. Templar then attempts to stab Ghost in the head, but he instead blocks it with his palm and manages to grab Templar's knife-wielding arm and break it.
Ghost then subdues the mercenary in a submission hold and prepares to kill him, but Dame arrives suddenly and kicks Ghost away.
As Dame had kicked Ghost in the gut where he was stabbed previously, he is unable to recover in time to prevent her from carrying the wounded Templar away. Adler comes to Ghost's aid with Riley, although the pair was already gone and Rorke had escaped in his helicopter. Ghost laments that the mercenaries have gotten away, although Adler states that the fight isn't over yet.
As they head outside, Ghost tells Adler to find Price and the others. As they head further up, they stumble upon the body of Mara. Ghost is horrified by the sight and is in disbelief and grief. Ghost later notes that Rorke and his crew are getting away and are attempting to lose them.
However, they fail to catch up to them as the Five Knights drop mines to delay them. Later on, Ghost is revealed to have covered Rosa on her mission in Panama, helping her to exfil after she escapes from Rott and his men.
As they arrive on the island, Ghost splits up from the rest of the group as he notes that he lost contact with Delta Squad, and ventures into a secret tunnel further up. He looks over several dead soldiers and suspects that Templar may be involved, as he is known for leaving a swath of bodies in his wake.
Just as he enters, he is ambushed by a guard in hiding but quickly kills him. He then overhears Templar and Dame talking about recent developments. Dame however, shoots down the idea, saying that Sophia is an asset to the Dark Covenant and that she will not be handed over to him so easily. Afterwards, Templar has defeated the rest of the Covenant members although he had sustained some damage as well, notably his torn off cape, scratch marks on his torso, and a cracked visor revealing his right eye and then meets up with Ghost.
Call of Duty Wiki Explore. Cold War. Weapons in Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Simon "Ghost" Riley. View source. History Talk Riley escapes by jumping through Sparks' hotel window, slightly injuring his leg, and steals a cab to make his getaway.
Remembering what Roba said about his family, Riley speeds towards his family's home and witnesses a shocking display. His mother; Tommy, Tommy's wife, Beth; and his nephew Joseph have all been executed, no doubt by Washington himself. In the end, Riley claims that he will kill them all: Sparks, Washington, Roba and his entire organization.
Simon "Ghost" Riley is first seen in the level Takedown talking to Cpt. Gary "Roach" Sanderson begin pursuing the assistant, Ghost meets up with them at the Hotel Rio and joins the chase. Once the assistant is taken down by Roach, he is seen with MacTavish preparing to interrogate him. Ghost is then heard via radio for the rest of the mission as he attempts to pursue Rojas through the Favela.
After the capture of Rojas, Ghost is heard requesting extraction from Command but to no avail. Was Yesterday" to rescue hostages. After clearing the oil rig, Ghost takes part in the operation to rescue Prisoner from a Russian gulag.
He takes control of the gulag's security systems and guides Soap and Roach to the prisoner. Ghost also appears in the level Contingency , where he helps Captain Price infiltrate a Russian submarine base along with other Task Force members. Ghost contacted command of Code Black, the statement that a threat of a nuclear weapon has been launched and must be disposed of immediately. It is possible that he retracted this though after he learned of Price's intention.
Ghost's final appearance is in the level "Loose Ends" where he leads a strike-team to search for Vladimir Makarov at his safehouse on the Georgian-Russian border. However, Makarov is nowhere to be found but the safehouse is loaded "a bloody gold mine" as Ghost said with intel. Ghost's body is then thrown into a ditch and set on fire along with Roach's.
In Call of Duty: Heroes , Ghost became a playable character in an update where he can purchased with a thousand Celerium. Ghost appears as a playable operative in Call of Duty: Mobile , and as a supporting character in the Mobile comics. In the reboot of the Modern Warfare series, Ghost is mentioned at the end of the campaign by Captain Price. In addition, Laswell notes there's no picture for him, and Price simply replies "never. It's also assumed the character will appear in the sequel, and will be aiding Captain Price on missions.
Heroes Wiki. Heroes Wiki Explore. Top Content. Bureaucrats Jester of Chaos. Pure Good Terms. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Simon "Ghost" Riley.
View source. History Talk 0. Do you like this video? Play Sound. It's gonna get bloody. I thought they were the good guys! Missile in the air! Code Black! Ghost in the Modern Warfare: Ghost comics. Ghost in the comics, without his mask. Ghost in the comics, having eliminated Manuel Roba.
Ghost in the live-action fan-made "Find Makarov: Operation Kingfish". Ghost seeing Shepherd kill Roach. Ghost's death by the hands of Shepherd. Ghost wielding an ACR in the museum.
Ghost in Call of Duty: Online. Ghost in the Call of Duty: Ghosts multiplayer. Ghost in Call of Duty: Heroes.