Dude : [Long awkward pause] And Then, Dude stands up in frustration]. Dude : What the hell is wrong with you people? A wha- a duck? I don- I came here for a job! A JOB! Blither : [after a long pause] Congratulations, pal. You're our leading candidate.
How does it feel? Dude : [Surprised] It feels good? Blither : No, no, no. How does it feel, huh? I mean, how does it feel to put fucking fifteen heads on that wall? I'll tell you how it feels! It feels fucking great, doesn't it?
It feels fucking great. Dude : [Excited] So, I got it! I got the job! Blither : Oh, hell no. No, no, no, this is just a getting-to-know-you interview. We still have some more, uh, one hundred and twenty? Yeah, some more candidates, but hell of a start, though. Blither : [his last lines]. Blither : I want you to get on the phone with the publishers and tell them why everybody should buy my book: How to fire an employee without making them go postal.
Lumpkin wrote: I don't understand the OP. It is an anti-joke, there is nothing to understand. How many licks does it take to get to? It depends on the voltage.
I don't understand the anti-joke though. Gordon Ramsey: Why did the chicken cross the road? Young Chef: Why? A stick. What is pink and slippery? A slipper. What is green, goes whoosh, whoosh and then is red? A frog in a blender. Anyway I'm reviewing Postal. Shot back to back with Seed, Postal is based on the extremely violent and controversial PC game that is hectic, hilarious and awesome.
And unlike Boll's other game adaptations, Postal stays very true to the source material it's based on and captures the spirit of the game in film form.
Is it Citizen Kane? Is it the funniest thing ever? But is it enjoyable? The "plot" of Postal follows the Dude Zack Ward. He's mocked at a job interview, kicked out of unemployment and his wife, whose really fat, is cheating on him with pretty much any and everybody with a pulse.
He finally just loses it and decides that he needs to get out of town ASAP and get enough money to make it on his own. So he teams up with his Uncle, Dave Foley a doomsday cult leader, to steal a bunch of rare dolls and sell them for a lot of money. Things seem okay until Vince Desiderio, the game creator, attacks Boll and all hell breaks loose. Needless to say the rest of the film is silly jokes, gunshots and explosions mixed with scenes of nothing. Postal isn't the best written film. It has some pacing issues, most of the actually funny jokes happen early on with the rest being unintentional so bad its funny and the action is pretty tame until the aforementioned hell breaking loose scene.