Plus since Violet and Joe are both candidates who are head over heals with the protagonists, I always imagined them working through broken hearts together when Sonja and Aden date someone else and then through it all they start to fall in love with eachother instead.
Your passion for this ship is contagious, Anon! Thank you for sending in this request! In order of playthrough too!! Giving a Love Potion to a girl will raise her Love Points by , depending how many times it is to gain the next heart. To propose to your chosen bachelorette, you must reach the max level of love points and finish all 9 of her requests. The recipe for the wedding ring is acquired after you successfully unite the two villages.
To start dating a bachelorette, you must befriend her to 7 hearts. Afterwards, you can ask her out while talking to her by pressing the L or R buttons on the Nintendo DS. Each bachelorette has a favorite location to go on dates and she will say something when you ask her out.
You can still do this even after marriage. To get married, you must have the bachelorette at 10 hearts, have united the town and the Univir, have the double bed purchased from Diamond General Store , and complete all of her requests. Then, Wells and Marjorie will show up and give you the engagement ring's recipe for the Workshop. When playing as Aden, she can be found working at the Inn or shopping at the Gemini Store.
During the Holidays, she stands just outside Aden's home. Rune Factory Wiki Explore. Characters Monsters Rigbarth Festivals Fishing. World of Rune Factory. The Wiki. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? History Talk 0. Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny. Fenith Island. Dragon Bathhouse.
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