Within 8 weeks you will receive an invoice that will take you up to the end of the financial year, you will then receive an annual invoice every April. If you want to pay by instalments, you will need to contact the Accounts Receivable Team to confirm how and when your payments will be made, on telephone Contact Adult Services Access Point now. Mobile Search. What is Safe and Sound? Who is Safe and Sound for? This includes people: with health problems who have falls who are struggling with frailty or illness who have dementia who live alone who have just come out of hospital who care for someone else You can also be assessed for equipment such as smoke alarms, falls detectors, heat sensors which can be linked to the alarm unit, including stand-alone medication dispensers and epilepsy sensors.
How do I access the service? What do you need to have the service? How it works Safe and Sound uses of a variety of technology and support systems to help people of all ages to live safe and independently at home, with a hour, day support service. What happens when I request the service? You can connect to an operator in the 24 hours response centre through this unit, the operator will automatically know who and where you are, and whether to inform family, friends, the response or emergency services I already receive adult social care services, will I still have to pay the contribution?
When will I receive my invoice? Menu Close. English Cymraeg. Sign in or sign up. Search Submit Search. Make a request to this authority. Subsistence payments to families with No Recourse to Public Funds seeking access to support under section 17 of the Children Act Dear Kristine. I refer to your request dated 15th July under the Freedom Of Information Act asking to supply the following information We confirm that we have received Information Request re. As you have Dear Chris Tervit Thank you for your request for information received She also represents the Windhill and Wrose ward.
The Executive does not have to be composed of politicians belonging to the same political group, but often is. More details are available on the Political Composition page. Other panels are also formed — for example area planning panels, licensing and area committees which have a mix of councillors from all groups.
If necessary, they will challenge the decisions made and ask for more evidence. They can also refer decisions to Full Council.
Every year Full Council also selects one councillor as Lord Mayor for the district. This is a non-political, civic role and that councillor works as an ambassador for the district for that year.
They will attend community events and represent the Council at civic events. A Deputy Lord Mayor is also selected each year. The Council employs officers who are paid to implement the decisions made by the councillors and to deliver frontline services. The most senior Council officer is the Chief Executive.