What does yarn back mean in knitting

This decrease slants to the right. If you are decreasing evenly on both sides of your fabric to create a point such as the top of a mitten or shaping armholes, you would want to use this on the left hand side of the front of the garment. On the right hand side you would use a left slanting decrease. Insert right needle through 2 stitches at once from right to left and complete purl stitch as usual. This action is usually taken after you have slipped a stitch and then worked one or more stitches following that slipped stitch.

You will then pass the slipped stitch es over the stitch es to the left and off of the tip of the right needle. Passing slipped stitches over creates a left slanting decrease in your work. As an example, we will consider the following sample instructions: sl st, k1, psso. After you have slipped one stitch from the left needle to the right needle and knit one stitch to follow it, you will be ready to pass the slipped stitch over.

Simply insert your left needle tip into the slipped stitch from left to right. Using your left needle tip, lift that stitch up and over the stitch to the left of it and off of the right needle. Extract your left needle tip if it is still in the stitch. For this instruction, you will pass your right needle through the back side of the next stitch from left to right. You will then complete the purl stitch as usual.

In this case, you will be approaching from back to front, as you do when purling a stitch. The back side of your fabric is the side where any action will happen purlwise. If your instructions or the voices in your head tell you to do something purlwise, then you will simply insert your right needle tip into the next stitch as if you were going to complete a purl stitch.

R and r are abbreviations for row. Rev st st is an abbreviation for reverse stockinette stitch. Reverse stockinette fabric is created by beginning with a purl row and then alternating knit and purl rows.

RH is an abbreviation for right hand or righthand. RS is an abbreviation for right side. This indicates the side of your knitting that will face outward when the project is complete. Slipping a stitch means to move it from the left needle to the right without working it. A stitch may be slipped knitwise or purlwise. If the directions do not specify, the default direction is purlwise. This means that on Row 1, which is the right side of the piece RS , you will knit all 12 stitches on the needle.

Then for Row 2, the wrong side WS of the piece, you will purl every stitch. To measure, place your piece on a flat surface and do not stretch it out. Place the end of a ruler or tape measure against the needle, and measure down to your initial cast-on row. Since the pattern says to end with a wrong-side row, that means that the last row you work should be a purl WS row.

When you repeat a knit row and then a purl row for a number of rows, your are creating a pattern called stockinette stitch. This is abbreviated St st. You will see that there are definite right and wrong sides to stockinette stitch. Usually the knit side is the right side, but sometimes the purl side is used for the right side. When this is done it is called reverse St st. You have created what is called garter stitch, made by knitting every row on a flat piece. This is a reversible pattern, as there is very little difference between the right side and the wrong side.

Now we need to stop and take a look at the symbols that are used in knitting patterns. These too are used to save space and to make the pattern easier to read. They may be confusing at first, but you will soon learn to follow them. Knitting patterns may have a series of steps that are repeated several times across a row. You will find asterisks used in many different patterns, such as ribbing. Ribbing is that stretchy pattern often used at the bottom and cuffs on a sweater to provide flexibility.

Here is a typical ribbing pattern. That means that you will knit the first two stitches, then purl the next two stitches; then you will knit 2, then purl 2, again, and repeat the steps following the asterisk all across the row until the last two stitches which you will knit.

Note that you will be purling the sts you knitted on the preceding row, and knitting the sts you purled on the preceding row. Many times patterns will say: knit the knit stitches and purl the purl stitches.

Brackets [ ] are also used to enclose a group of stitches that are to be repeated a specified number of times. Sometimes more than two stitches are knitted together at the same time, the number is indicated in the pattern e.

Knit two together or K3tog Knit three together. This action can also be done on a Purl row. Place the point of the right hand needle through the front of the first and second stitches on the left hand needle.

Put yarn over the top of the point on the right hand needle and pull yarn through both stitches at one. Drop both stitches off left hand needle.

More than two stitches can be worked together, as mentioned above. This reduces the amount of stitches in a row and is used to shape garments. The two most commonly used are by knitting stitches together Tog. SLIP Sl. A stitch is transferred from the left hand needle to the right hand needle without the use of the yarn. Put the point of the right hand needle into the front of the next stitch on the left hand needle from right to left and slip it straight onto the right hand needle. Transfer the next stitch from the left hand needle to the right hand needle by putting point of right hand needle from left to right, through front of next stitch on left hand needle and slip onto right hand needle.


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