Women who douche regularly are more likely to experience early childbirth, miscarriage, and other pregnancy complications. Using a douche can also lead to an ectopic pregnancy, and women who use douches may have a difficult time getting pregnant.
A healthy balance of bacteria prevents vaginal yeast from overgrowing. Eliminating the natural balance may let yeast flourish. This can lead to a yeast infection. Some women use douches hoping that washing the vagina will eliminate a vaginal infection. Douching may make an infection worse. Douching while you have a vaginal infection may also spread the infection to other parts of your reproductive system.
Pelvic inflammatory disease PID is an infection that develops in the reproductive organs. One in eight women with a history of PID have difficulty getting pregnant.
Cervicitis is inflammation of the cervix. Like PID, cervicitis is often the result of STIs, but women who douche are also more likely to develop this condition.
The easiest way to clean your vagina is to perform a simple wash during a bath or shower. Fragrances and chemicals can irritate the sensitive skin of your genitals. A natural vaginal odor is normal, as is some discharge. A few signs may indicate you have a more serious problem and need to see a doctor.
All vaginas have a natural odor. Excess moisture around the genitals and vagina can increase odors and lead to infections. Wear undergarments made from percent cotton, which is breathable and can wick away sweat and other fluids.
They are only safe on the outside of your vagina. Your vagina is self-cleaning. Instead, make an appointment with your doctor. Regular douching may mask or hide underlying problems. It can also lead to serious complications down the road.
Vaginal discharge is most often a normal and common occurrence. Douche solutions most often have a water base and can also contain baking soda , vinegar, iodine, and perfume or fragrance. Researchers believe that 20 to 40 percent of American women between the ages of 15 and 44 douche on a regular basis. About 50 percent of these women douche every week. According to Whipple and other experts, douching serves no good purpose and can, in fact, create health problems for women.
The vagina is a self-cleaning organ. The cervix and the walls of the vagina create a small amount of mucous that carries menstrual blood, old cells, and other matter out of the vagina. Special bacteria in the vagina also help to prevent infections caused by other microbes that don't belong in the vagina.
The normally acidic environment of the vagina is also important for minimizing the risk of infection. The healthy vagina represents a fine-tuned, delicate system that douching can easily throw out of whack.
Ironically, though many women still believe douching will "clean out" the vagina, douching actually increases the risk of bacterial overgrowth and associated vaginal infections. Douching may also cause pre-existing vaginal infections to travel deeper into the female reproductive system , flushing the infection into the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries.
Recent studies have even found that douching can increase the risk of contracting sexual transmitted diseases STDs. So, why do women douche? Experts say it may be due to a number of myths about douching that have taken root.
These myths include:. Advertising Policy. You have successfully subscribed to our newsletter. Related Articles. Embarrassing Vaginal Odor? It Could Be Bacterial Vaginosis. How to Decode Your Vaginal Discharge.
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