What if bardock defeated frieza

ProLight Style by Ian Bradley. Modified by Hujio. Privacy Terms Forum Rules. Kanzenshuu Skip to content. Discussion, generally of an in-universe nature, regarding any aspect of the franchise including movies, spin-offs, etc. Post by theherodjl » Thu Apr 09, am Supposing the Metamor's technique had made it to Planet Vegeta and was practiced by the strongest Saiyans.

Could King Bargeta Vegedock? If not by their ordinary form then how about by Oozaru King Bargeta? Post by Desassina » Thu Apr 09, am They would accomplish a Barking Dog I don't know about battle powers, but they seemed more distant in rank and relationship than Vegeta and Goku, so the possibility of them fusing is strange.

However, fusion has been known for great power, it's just that neither one of them had accomplished the means to power up yet. All apologies. Editors hack and design. Post by Peach » Sat Apr 11, pm Nope. Even if you multiplied Bardock's power level by Vegeta's power level it's still weaker than Frieza. He scours the universe looking for Kakarot. Or if he knows where he is, then Earth is dead. Beerus blows up the saiyans regardless. No you punks they can't do the ritual, they're not good hearted.

My friends call me Vee. I'm not your friend, buddy. User Info: cmb User Info: sonictailsfan. I'd imagine that King Cold wouldn't be too happy with him and would kill him after hearing that he killed Freeza. Things pretty much go back to normal with Freeza out of the picture. Sayian saga continues as usual, and Namek saga has a new villain. Proud to be EP ic. I guess I Iike Sonic.

And Tails too. User Info: Kiurx. He makes his underated theme song more popular by soaring the universe and spreading rock all over the universe. User Info: thedarklordx3. VeedChris posted User Info: Not2Nice. What If Goku Married Bulma? What If Vegito Stayed Fused? What If Gohan was Earth's hero? What If Broly Turned Good? What if Goku never learned Instant Transmission? What if Freeza saw Vegeta's potential?

What if Beerus never woke up? What if Freeza listened to Goku? What if Buu didn't fall asleep? What if Vegeta celebrated Christmas? What if Freeza and Doctor Gero teamed up? What if Trunks met Kid Bulma?

What if Hercule trained with Roshi? What if Goku stayed evil? What if the Supreme Kai wasn't useless? What if Raditz never came to Earth? What if Vegeta never became good? What if Future Trunks was you?

Downer Ending : The story ends with Trunks and his time machine being utterly destroyed by Goku Black. What if Gohan was like Broly? What if Krillin Became a Saiyan? Krillin: Oh yeah? Bulma : Well played, shortstuff. What if Goku Landed at Capsule Corp? What if Trunks and Mai Stayed in the Past? What if Goku Black turned Good? What If Freeza had a Son? What If the Ginyu Force turned Good?

Adaptational Badass : Cell now has time skip abilities that were taken from Guldo. The Ginyu Force were able to hold their own when fighting the Androids as a team. The Atoner : The Ginyu Force fights on the side of good to make up for the atrocities they committed on Freeza's orders. Popo used that allowed the Ginyu Force and the Namakian villagers that Vegeta killed come back this means Cui, Dodoria, Zarbon, and all of Frieza's men, all came back Ascended Fanboy : The Ginyu Force's poses and fighting style are what inspired Gohan's Great Saiyaman persona, so its only fitting that he joins their ranks during the Buu Saga.

Canon Immigrant : Androids 13, 14 and 15 appear here as well. Super Android 13 also showes up. Exact Words : Mr. Popo wishes for all those recently killed by evil-doers on Namek to be resurrected. This also means that Vegeta's other victims, Cui, Dodoria, Zarbon, and the Frieza's foot soldiers all came back only to be killed once again when Namak blew up.

For Want of a Nail : Because of the Ginyu Force's presence, Cell now has time skip abilities, as well as Androids 13, 14 and 15 helping him. Hercule is less prominant and famous, due to not taking credit for Cell's defeat.

Goten is more independent and much more organized, thanks to Goku's presence in his life. Later, while on Badidi's ship, Ginyu becomes Majinized as well. However, Dr. Captain Ginyu at first wants to bring back Freeza and serve him again, but the others manage to convince him to turn his life around. Heroic Sacrifice : Guldo uses his time stop powers to save Gohan from Perfect Gero's attack, but is unable to avoid it himself.

Videl still catches on and becomes the Great Saiyawoman. Vegeta and Goku still fight Puipui and Yakon. No-Sell : Guldo can no-sell Cell's time skip, since he has time skips of his own. Cell no-sells Ginyu's body swap ability by canceling it out with his own. Reformed, but Rejected : While Goku accepts them, at first, the other Z-Fighters, especially Vegeta, aren't convinced the Ginyus have reformed. They come around after a while though. Sentai : Naturally, since the Ginyu Force was created as a parody of them.

Superhero : The group essentially fall into the role as they fight crime. Videl eventually joins them. Time Stands Still : Guldo, naturally, has this ability, and now Cell does, too. Took a Level in Kindness : Guldo, after spending some time with Krillin in the time chamber, becomes a fair bit nicer. They still have this towards their former Captain, who they successfully convince to change his ways as well. Unskilled, but Strong : The Ginyu Force start training during the period between the Freeza and Android sagas, but are still no match for the 2 Androids.

What If Yajirobe trained like Goku? Brilliant, but Lazy : Subverting this is the difference between this and the main timeline: Yajirobe, as Masako points out, had a power level matching Goku's when they first met and managed to spike up to during the one year training to fight the Saiyans despite not really trying all that hard.

As such, in this timeline, Yajirobe actually applying himself is a major change. Curbstomp Battle : Yajirobe's rematch with Goku at the start of Z ends with Yajirobe going all out and beating Goku effortlessly.

Forgot Flanders Could Do That : As Masako points out, people tend to forget that Yajirobe was equal in power to Goku when they first met and went from a power level of to over in a year during the Saiyan Saga, meaning he's a lot more talented than he lets on. As such, him managing to catch up to Goku and even being a little stronger than him by training with Kami was surprisingly plausible. This results in Yajirobe and Goku fighting each other and an actual friendship between Yajirobe and Goku.

As a result of this, Yajirobe is also able to drink the Ultra Divine Water. Unfortunately, it results in Piccolo kidnapping Gohan. Implausible Fencing Powers : Yajirobe is able to reflect one of Raditz's ki blast back at him with his sword techniques.

No Challenge Equals No Satisfaction : Yajirobe is utterly bored in his rematch with Goku, easily holding his own and defeats him with little effort. By the time Raditz shows up, he has a powerlevel of As a result of this, both Goku and Piccolo continue to train, making them both much stronger when Raditz shows up.

Took a Level in Kindness : Yajirobe develops a genuine friendship with Goku, and continues to help him in the fight against King Piccolo. What If Frost was Actually Good? A Rare Sentence : " That is until Cabba shows up! Never thought I'd actually say that Never thought I'd actually say that, either. As a result, Frost manages to beat Piccolo fair and square, using only his 2nd Form, and manages to match Super Saiyan Vegeta one on one in his Final Form, rather than being curbstomped by him.

That is something that post-training Freeza was unable to do. After a bit of training, Frost could dodge some of Super Saiyan Blue Goku's attacks, though he doesn't yet have a Golden form. Adaptational Heroism : Somewhat. His pirate crew turns on him and he ends up defeating them due to this standards, only for Good Feels Good to kick in and him to become genuinely heroic.

He considers using his poison needle in the Tournament, but decides not to, in the end. Be All My Sins Remembered : As of episode 4, Frost is more scared of being revealed as a former Evil Overlord and alienating him from Cabba and his Saiyan friends than simply being killed. Constantly Curious : Goten and Trunks keep pestering Frost with questions about himself and "What's it like being a good Freeza? Death by Adaptation : Or possibly just confirmed death, since he probably died the same way originally, but Jaco and the Galactic Patrol were all slaughtered by Goku Black.

Go On Without Me : Frost decides to stay in Future Trunks' timeline the first time the heroes go back, since there would be too many people in the time machine with Goku, Vegeta, Cabba, Trunks and Mai. Good Feels Good : Frost ends up turning genuinely good because of this. Stopping his previous crew from genuinely hurting people and fighting with Cabba makes him feel happy.

Helping the Saiyans fight evil makes him gradually enjoy it more and more until he eventually becomes genuinely heroic. When he meets Haru and Maki, the children in Future Trunks' timeline, he genuinely wants to help them and Future Trunks' timeline. Guile Hero : Frost is no match for Goku Black or Future Zamasu 1 on 1, but he helps Goku in his fight against them by distracting them and when faced with Goku Black 1 on 1 after having Goku and the others go back to the past, he tricks Black by using his poison needle to poison Black and then shoots him in the chest with a Chaos beam, but was unable to finish him off before Future Zamasu showed up.

He uses his Super Toughness and endurance to continually outwit and evade Black and Zamasu until Goku and co. However, Frost's attachment to that timeline from spending weeks protecting the survivors there led him to argue that they should use the Super Dragon Balls to wish the timeline back into existence before Zamasu's rampage.

Mundane Made Awesome : Frost finds ice cream amazing, and is surprised at it, stating that Universe 6's Earth destroyed itself. He realizes that he may have basically killed himself since Zamasu and Goku Black are stronger than him. However, he does get annoyed when he sees Goku Black and how powerful he'd become because Goku held back in their fight. Pet the Dog : It's implied Hit was hired to kill Frost by his former crew, but after his fight with Goku, Hit warns him not to come home to Universe 6 with the implication he spared him.

Properly Paranoid : Hit was hired, likely by Frost's former crew, to kill Frost.


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