Once my child is in the program, are they guaranteed to be in it for the rest of the year? The range of abilities in a kindergarten classroom is huge, and different students have their 'light bulb' moment in reading at different times in the year. Consequently, we are very flexible in our groupings for enrichment to ensure that we are including all of those students who require additional services.
The results of the midyear assessment determines who is in the program for the second half of the year. The initial assessment evaluates skills covered in the classroom in the first half of the year. Students who qualify for this portion of the program have proven that they are secure on these skills and so can afford to miss teaching time in the regular classroom.
We reevaluate midyear in order to assess skills from the second half of the year. We are very conscientious about ensuring that we are addressing the needs of the most academically advanced students while ensuring that we are not causing a child to have gaps in their knowledge by pulling them from teaching time in their regular classroom.
Children have proven their abilities to be so advanced in all subject areas that they may remain in the program for the year. When does the enrichment program start? We do this to ensure that our youngest students have had time to adapt to being in school. We need to be sure that they feel secure and happy in their new environment before we start to pull them out for small group work with students from other rooms.
My child didn't qualify for the Enrichment Program and I don't understand why, what can I do? My child didn't qualify for the Enrichment Program but I think they need more of a challenge, what can I do? While it is important to listen to our children's concerns about school, the teacher can provide a lot of additional insight into the needs of your child in the classroom.
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Sign In. The Kindergarten Enrichment class develops knowledge of the spatial concept of measurement while exploring the use of non-standard objects for measurement. These students are using cut outs of their feet to measure the classroom map. When learning about sound waves, the students used Styrofoam cups and strings to make telephones. Each day our Kindergarten Enrichment program incorporates a language arts lesson from the Wilson Fundations program the same phonics and spelling program used in our neighboring public schools.
These lessons focus on skills such as:. Center Time is always included in the daily schedule which provides an opportunity for structured play, an important component of our program. The teachers interact with and guide children during Center Time to enhance the learning experience. Two students collaborate to construct a zoo using wooden blocks and plastic animals.
After they agree on a configuration for the blocks, they group the animals into types. A student works on her homework she received form the public school earlier that day.
The teacher sets aside time each day to help the students with their homework to reinforce their academic skills. This Kindergarten student concentrates as she puts her problem-solving and emergent reading skills to the test and strategically places puzzle pieces together to uncover pictures and their corresponding three letter word.
This student takes a break from playing, to sit and enjoy a book with a friend. He looks at the pictures and sounds out the words. When the weather permits, the Kindergarten Enrichment class will go outside in our large, child-friendly playground.
It provides students the opportunity to enhance their gross-motor skills, to build muscle and to improve coordination. It also provides an atmosphere for positive interactions with peers. This team of Kindergarten students huddle together to create a game and to show good sportsmanship.
The students work to create rules that are fair and fun for everyone. Our large sandbox invites numerous social encounters between students. Kindergarten students cheer their friend on as he uses his upper body strength to swing across the monkey bars. One bar at a time he makes it to the end with a big smile on his face. Special Features of our program:. Computer Lab:. In addition to our comprehensive Kindergarten curriculum, students are introduced to technology and how to operate a computer in our specially-designed computer learning lab.
Teachers guide students in activities such as navigating an on-screen menu, becoming familiarized with the basic functions of a browser, accessing materials on a CD-ROM, and the correct operation of high-quality, interactive games. Our Kindergarten students will have the opportunity to use tablets as part of our classroom learning too. Students will take on the responsibility of caring for and handling this form of technology.
Our Kindergarten students will hone their skills through various applications. Tablet usage will be integrated to develop fluency in reading, instill phonological awareness and reading comprehension. We will also use the tablets to explore measurement, time, money and various scientific phenomenon including force and motion. Enrichment Activities. Music and Movement. Creative movement and music are exceptional tools in teaching young children. Please note that no discounts are given for Kindergarten families that do not utilize before or after care.
Through a balance of structured and free choice times during the day children are able to build upon the academic skills they are learning in their district Kindergarten as well as those important social and emotional skills that set children up for success.
We serve lunch to children in a family style setting to encourage independence, community and relationship building with peers and teachers. Our small class sizes offer a wonderful opportunity to children to practice, learn and grow with close teacher support. We believe in the importance of keeping families involved in our Kindergarten day so we employ a few methods in order to do so.