Uci how many units to be a sophomore

International applicants please refer to the International Students page for an Application Checklist. Students who began college in fall or after: Students are required to follow these revised General Education requirements if they graduated high school in spring or summer and their first full-time term of college enrollment was fall or after excluding summers. Students who began college prior to fall Students who started at any college or university before summer will follow the GE program in effect prior to fall A maximum of 70 of the transferable units for this program may be earned elsewhere.

You may transfer up to:. Advanced Placement AP , International Baccalaureate IB and other standardized examinations: We accept a maximum of 32 units for standardized examinations. Please visit arr. These courses must be taught by college faculty on a college campus, appear on your college transcript as part of the regular college curriculum and must not be applied to your high school diploma. They can fulfill General Education requirements, but they cannot fulfill the Writing or Foreign Language requirements nor receive equivalence to USC courses.

Be sure to keep copies of course syllabi, exams and papers, as we may ask for these in making our determination. Please note that elective units only — not equivalence to USC courses or fulfillment of requirements — are granted for foreign language and laboratory science courses taught via distance learning, TV, or in an online or correspondence course.

No degree credit: College extension courses and courses taken at international institutions not credited toward a degree at that college. Areas of study not offered by USC: These include agriculture, business office procedures, hotel management, food services, industrial mechanics, interior design, fire science, forestry, police academy, and similar professional and technical programs.

Life and work experience: Including portfolio work, continuing education, equivalency examination units, and courses offered by business and governmental agencies even if evaluated by the American Council on Education. Nontraditional formats at two-year colleges: Including independent study, directed study, correspondence courses, internships and travel courses.

Graduate-level courses: Graduate-level coursework taken by undergraduate students. Plus and minus grading is taken into account. If the grade on the first course was a C- or higher, only the first grade is included.

Academic Standards and Requirements The USC Catalogue is the document of authority on policy matters, and it changes from time to time. It provides complete information about academic standards governing coursework taken at other colleges, as well as specific requirements for your major field. Please visit catalogue. Our Transfer Students Come From…. The key to a successful transfer is good planning.

The following resources will help you determine which courses and credits will transfer to USC. Click on the links below to access an interactive planning guide, download useful brochures, checklists, worksheets, and information. Transfer Planning Brochure This brochure will help you navigate the application and transfer process, and introduce you to our transfer policies.

View the Transfer Planning Brochure. UC courses and upper-division courses from four-year institutions will not be capped at 70 semester or quarter units. Those units can put you at risk of exceeding the maximum for transfer eligibility and becoming senior-level. Transfer students must declare a major and are considered for admission based on the major-specific preparation courses completed.

The UCLA Transfer Admission Guide outlines the major prerequisites we expect to be finished no later than the spring term prior to transfer. Skip to navigation Skip to main content Skip to footer.

Breadcrumb Home Apply. Transfer Applicants. Beginning Your Application. You may apply for admission as a transfer if you meet the following criteria: You graduated from high school and completed college-level coursework in a regular session at any college or university since your graduation.

Take me to the UC Application. Admission Considerations and Requirements. These are a few of the criteria we consider: Junior-level standing 60 semester or 90 quarter transferable units completed by the end of the spring term before you transfer GPA of 3.

Learn more about transfer requirements. Transfer Student Profile. See transfer student profile. Dates and Deadlines You can start working on your application when it becomes available on August 1 and submit it November 1— August 1. Additional information concerning academic regulations applying only to graduate students is included in the Graduate Division section. All students are required to declare a major by the time they reach junior status 90 units, excluding college work completed prior to high school graduation or they will become subject to disqualification from further registration in the University.

Undergraduate students are classified as freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior students, based on the total number of units completed, as follows:. An undergraduate may enroll in as few as 12 units or as many as 20 units. To remain in good academic standing a student must maintain a grade point average of at least 2. An undergraduate student normally is subject to academic probation if at the end of any quarter the grade point average for that quarter, or the cumulative grade point average, is less than 2.

A student whose grade point average falls below a 1. Regular undergraduate students will become subject to probation or to disqualification from further registration in the University if they fail to make normal progress toward the baccalaureate degree, if they fail to declare a major by the time they reach junior status 90 units, excluding college work completed prior to high school graduation , or after declaring a major, if they fail to follow the program of study required by the academic unit of their major.

Students who have selected undeclared status within a School may be subject to probation or to disqualification if they fail to follow a program of study leading to completion of lower-division School requirements. Normal progress for all regular undergraduate students is defined in the following table, in terms of quarter units completed at the end of quarters enrolled.

Students who have completed two consecutive quarters on academic probation without having achieved at the end of that period at least the normal rate of progress specified under A and B above are subject to disqualification.

Units earned under the following two circumstances are not to be counted toward determination of the quarter at entrance under D above: 1 Advanced Placement Examination; 2 concurrent enrollment in college courses while in high school. UCI students will have the units and grade points of courses taken through Concurrent Enrollment transferred to their record when they have been admitted or readmitted to regular student status.

Units taken through Concurrent Enrollment will not be counted toward determination of Advanced Standing Quarter Units at Entrance if they are taken under the circumstances cited in sub-section E.

The quarter of enrollment at entrance of students including baccalaureate degree candidates who already hold a baccalaureate degree seeking admission to the University with or more advanced standing units will be determined by the faculty offering the curriculum in which such students seek to enroll.

This determination will be made consistent with the program required for such students to obtain the desired degree and with University residence requirements. For purposes of this regulation students will be understood to have declared a major when they have been formally accepted by the faculty of a degree-granting program or its designated agent to pursue a defined course of study leading to a baccalaureate degree. All undergraduate students are expected to graduate when they have completed the baccalaureate requirements of their declared major or majors.

The former has to do with academic standing, the latter with receipt of financial aid. Probation is not a necessary step before disqualification. If the record indicates little probability that the student will be able to meet the academic standards of the University of California, the student will be disqualified from further enrollment. In order to transfer from one campus to another in the University of California or from one UCI School to another, a student who has been disqualified or who is on academic probation must obtain the approval of the appropriate faculty, or its designated agent, into whose jurisdiction the student seeks to transfer.

A maximum of units is permitted for all students in non-Engineering majors after their 12th quarter of study at UCI. For students in Engineering majors, the maximum number may not exceed units after their 12th quarter of study at UCI. After completing the maximum number of units, students may not normally continue their enrollment. Students wishing to exceed their unit or quarter maximums, including students pursuing multiple majors, may petition the associate deans of the impacted units or their delegates to continue work required to complete their degree.

Full-time transfer students admitted at the junior level are allowed no more than the equivalent of nine quarters 10 quarters for Engineering majors , regardless of units. The maximum number of units or quarters does not include units completed at another institution prior to matriculation. After matriculation, work completed over the summer at any institution counts toward the specified unit limit but not the specified quarter count.

Students are expected to maintain satisfactory academic progress at all times. Information concerning graduate student course load requirements and satisfactory academic progress is given in the Graduate Division section. The academic record may not be altered except in those cases where a documented procedural or clerical error has occurred. Plus or minus suffixes modify the above by plus or minus 0.

The grade point average is the sum of all accumulated grade points grade points earned in a course taken for a letter grade times the unit value of the course divided by the sum of all units attempted.

Baccalaureate credit counts toward degree requirements and is used to compute the grade point average. For most courses at UCI, baccalaureate credit and workload credit are identical.

The acceptance rate at UC Irvine is This means the school is very selective. Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search.

Press ESC to cancel. Skip to content Home Coursework What is considered upper division coursework? Ben Davis April 29, What is considered upper division coursework? What are upper division electives? Can you take upper division classes as a freshman UC Davis? How many units is upper division standing UC Davis?

How many upper division units do you need to graduate UC Davis? How many units do you need to be a junior at UCSD? What is class level? How many units is a senior?


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