If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, contact your OBGYN, especially if you are experiencing several of these symptoms at the same time:. If you make an appointment as soon as you notice signs of UTI , you should experience relief within a few days. Symptoms of UTIs typically improve within two to three days of starting an antibiotic. Many doctors will prescribe antibiotic therapy for at least three days.
It is very common for a pregnant woman to contract a UTI. A growing fetus often puts pressure on the bladder and urinary tract, which can trap bacteria and cause urine to leak. And as early as six weeks into the pregnancy, most women experience ureteral dilation—the expansion of the urethra that continues throughout the pregnancy. A larger urinary tract, in conjunction with increased bladder volume and decreased bladder tone, can mean your urine stays in your urethra longer, which gives bacteria a chance to grow.
These risk factors are amplified by the fact that when a woman is pregnant, her urine becomes more concentrated.
It also has higher levels of particular hormones and sugar, which can encourage bacterial growth. They are currently the most effective treatment and the only proven way to fully eradicate a urinary tract infection. However, there are some habits you can develop to relieve your symptoms more quickly and help prevent future infections. We get to develop relationships with our patients. It's really a unique field. Urologists are best trained to treat any condition involving the urinary tract and the male reproductive system.
Other healthcare professionals may be involved in your care-a urologist may work with an oncologist to treat prostate cancer, or with a gynecologist to treat pelvic pain in women.
However, if you have a urologic condition, the urologist will be at the head of your medical team. Sometimes a patient will be referred to a urologist by another health care professional, as Valerie was. But often people go straight to a urologist for treatment. Your primary care doctor may be able to treat some minor urologic issues. However, if your symptoms do not go away-like in Valerie's case-it is best to see a urologist and get to the root of the problem.
If you know your symptoms or condition involve the urinary tract or male reproductive system, you may choose to see a urologist as your first step.
To find a urologist in your area and even narrow your search by type of urologic condition, visit UrologyHealth. Urology offers patients a wide range of treatment choices, letting patients work with their urologists to find the best solution for them. Surgery may be the best choice for some people.
Drugs or behavioral therapy such as bladder re-training may work better for others. Some people may improve most using a mix of two or three treatments. You and your urologist can work together as a team to address your own needs. Lisa Hawes explained, "the wealth of choice in urology allows us to truly personalize treatment for each patient. As with all doctors, urologists must complete an undergraduate degree and four years of medical school.
But did you know the training doesn't stop there? After medical school, a urologist will have five or six more years of training called residency. Take probiotics and increase your vitamin C intake to boost your immune system. Opt for showers over baths. If you use a diaphragm, unlubricated condoms, or spermicide as a birth control method, you may want to consult your doctor about switching to another option as these have all been known to contribute to UTIs.
View Author Profile. Corporate Office Privacy Patient Survey Careers Reporting. Privacy Patient Survey. Careers Reporting. If you have frequent recurrences or a chronic kidney infection, you may be referred to a doctor who specializes in urinary disorders urologist or kidney disorders nephrologist for an evaluation. For a UTI , basic questions to ask your doctor include:.
Mayo Clinic does not endorse companies or products. Advertising revenue supports our not-for-profit mission. This content does not have an English version. This content does not have an Arabic version. Diagnosis Female cystoscopy Open pop-up dialog box Close. Female cystoscopy Cystoscopy allows your doctor to view your lower urinary tract to look for abnormalities, such as a bladder stone.
Male cystoscopy Open pop-up dialog box Close. Male cystoscopy Cystoscopy allows your doctor to view your lower urinary tract to look for abnormalities in your urethra and bladder. Request an Appointment at Mayo Clinic. Share on: Facebook Twitter. Show references Wein AJ, et al.
Infections of the urinary tract. In: Campbell-Walsh Urology. Philadelphia, Pa. Accessed June 30, Ferri FF.