What is selfie sunday

Everyone in their Instagram feed has one or two of them. To some people, I feel like I'm that person. We need to set some selfie boundaries, as in the collective group of Instagrammers and Twitterers and social media users, and as someone who's inclined to TMS Too Much Selfie-ing herself, I'm happy to share some of the selfie rules that I've made for myself. I don't say you have to abide by these rules, but if you spend too much time taking pictures of yourself and wondering how much is too much like, ahem, me , then give a whirl to my self-proclaimed.

Now, this rule obviously doesn't work for everyone — especially fashion bloggers who have to post selfies and OOTD Day Outfit pics. But this is useful for the hoi polloi to encourage self-restraint. This is also where I need to give Tumblr props because they were the first online platform to embrace the selfie — or, as previously known, the GPOY Yourself's Free Picture — which was a nice way to take a self-portrait and post it with a small amount of self-preservation. At least you're calling on the fact that the picture is pretty self-serving to some extent.

I like that idea, and it's one that I've tried to keep up with at Instagram. I'm not letting myself post a selfie more than once a week, and I'm trying to do it many times a month. If I post a selfie on a weekly basis consistently, then I'm trying to make sure it's not a free photo with a caption like "Happy Friday! I mean, that's not what anyone wants. But let's say I'm going to post that photo — then I do my best by writing a funny caption or calling myself out to acknowledge its inherent narcissism.

Even better and funnier is posting a funny picture of myself — like when I found that picture of me ten days after six years of jaw surgery. It's not a nice picture, but it's funny for sure. Selfie is perfect. So the third rule nixes the other two because honestly, it's my Instagram account and I'm going to do what I want to do. And you ought to, too! If you don't want to see your mug every day, the people who follow you can unfollow you.

Although, following Rule 3 means we must be willing to accept that if your selfies are excessive or boring, people can unfold you, and there is nothing you can do about it unless you go back to Rules 1 and 2.

Or maybe you're Kim Kardashian, so carry on in that case. Selfies can be uploaded to Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. This event increases positive public images of breastfeeding and expressing. This year we have designed a series of illustrations that can be used as profile pictures for people who want to participate in the Selfie Brelfie BigLatchOn campaign, but who might not feel comfortable posting a picture of their own. Check out the images below and right click any image to save it to your device and upload on to your social media accounts to celebrate The Virtual Big Latch On !

There is also a Frame available to add to your profile picture on Facebook. Depending on the focus of your social media accounts, you may only post a selfie on a rare occasion. If this is the case, you want to make sure to do so on Sunday so you can take advantage of all three selfie hashtags.

Another option is to post a selfie every Sunday as part of an ongoing series. This builds continuity with your followers as they come to expect and look forward to your creative selfies each week.

By doing this, you create an atmosphere where your social media accounts can grow and thrive. Hashtag Picker Find Popular Hashtags. Back to the search results. Meaning: Post a selfie with one of these tags, and no one will judge you.


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